Work Excerpts Online

Stained: A Play With Music

Script by Lisa Jones, music and lyrics by Alva Rogers

© Lisa Jones 1993.

The following is a script for stage.


Movement I: Summer

Movement II:

Fall (Music undercore: "I'M FALLING" comes up in darkness. Lights up on MIA in the same position, now in the dress, the color of her skin. She swings to the music, her body moving to the pleasure of her memories. She stops and begins to retell story.) CITY WOMAN: I'M FALLING (4X) AND I CAN'T GET UP CITY MAN ONE: MMMMNNN... CITY MAN TWO: HUMMNNN... MIA: I waited a fortnight (MIA runs her hands down her body, closes her eyes. Lights dim slowly.) STORYWOMAN: Then at dusk, in a dress the color of her skin, Mia stood in her doorway, eyes closed. When the sun left the sky and fell below water. (BLUE appears on stage, downstage from MIA.) STORYWOMAN: She opened her eyes, and found, not a bone, but a man. (MUSIC ENDS. Mia sees BLUE for the first time. They prance around other. Finally he breaks the impasse with a slow, sexy smile. MIA inches toward him cautiously, as if he's a mirage. Finally she smiles back.) STORYWOMAN: A man with a smile that changed everything. MIA: Everything. CITY FOLK: EVERYTHING STORYWOMAN: A man called Blue. (CITY MAN ONE leads music underscore: "BLUE'S BLUES." CITY FOLK join in. Opposite them, BLUE and MIA engage in a passion "dance," moving close, then apart, circling each other, turning to avoid each other's eyes. They enact the STORYWOMAN's words: "falling" slowly, deliciously together, touching first with just a finger, then more and more...) STORYWOMAN: Just as in fall, leaves turn colors -- red, orange, yellow-- and fall, Mia's skin changed from pale green to scarlet and she fell. CITY WOMAN: SHE FELL (whispered 1x in unison) MIA: I fell. STORYWOMAN: Into the arms of Blue, so suddenly, so completely, it was if she had always been there. (MUSIC ENDS. BLUE and MIA are now entangled together, one body. The couple holds for a beat, then they unravel, stand apart, and regard each other with wonder. Their bodies meet again; this time they do a nasty slow drag. Moody light.) MIA: We slow-danced at midnight. CITY FOLK: ON A DEAD-END STREET STORYWOMAN: And Blue sang his blues, which was the blues of a traveling man, with a traveling heart, and traveling hands. Mia didn't listen to the words, she just danced. MIA: It had been so long. STORYWOMAN: Her cheek against his chest. MIA: I smelled his skin. (BLUE breaks away from MIA, he moves downstage alone. CITY FOLK do music underscore: "INDIGO TRAVEL THEME.") STORYWOMAN: Which was indigo, and smelled of all the places he had been. Cities, where people spoke in clicking tongues. Forests, where he knelt on moss to kiss the naked bellies of mermaids. Blue had been places. And he had been those places alone. Be sure, he wasn't taking anyone with him. (MUSIC ENDS. Spot on BLUE. He focuses on the horizon.) MIA: I could tell by his eyes. (MUSIC ENDS.) STORYWOMAN: Which were always out at sea. (Lights dim on BLUE standing alone. CITY FOLK do music underscore: "LITTLE BLUE'S BLUES." Lights change. MIA lures BLUE back. They slow drag again, him holding her from behind.) STORYWOMAN: It didn't matter. Just as long as Blue sang his blues, those late nights he came to slow dance. (MUSIC ENDS.) MIA: Cheek to chest. (BLUE breaks from MIA, his back to her. She regards him from afar. He turns to look at her, taunting her with the distance.) STORYWOMAN: Blue's Blues wasn't all in a song, but the way he wrapped certain words around his tongue, like her name. MIA: Mia, Mia, he used to say, Mia means mine. (Blue's body in high relief, his gestures causal, but very sexual) STORYWOMAN: Or scratched his head with one finger, or wore a red hat. MIA: His blues undressed me. STORYWOMAN: Fell down on her like a hail storm, leaving her tossing and turning. CITY FOLK: TOSSING AND TURNING... STORYWOMAN: In a bed of kisses. (BLUE returns, kisses MIA, then abruptly leaves. MUSIC ENDS.) MIA: But left me all alone. (MIA stares out towards the audience, as if into a mirror.) STORYWOMAN: When he was gone, she would look in the mirror at herself to see the beauty he left there. (MIA is now isolated in a spot center stage. She touches her neck.) MIA: Purple tattoos. STORYWOMAN: How his blues stained her skin. Stained her skin. CITY FOLK: STAINED HER SKIN. (MIA's hands travel to just above her breasts. The spotlight closes in on her hands.) STORYWOMAN: Stained her.

Movement III: Winter

(Lights up on CITY FOLK rising. CITY FOLK do music underscore: "BEAUTIFUL SKY." They reveal MIA, in a clean new dress.) CITY FOLK: A BEAUTIFUL SKY...(fading out) (MUSIC ENDS.) STORYWOMAN: To dream of candy means you have a false sweetheart. To eat it denotes shame, To give it away, happiness. MIA: I dreamt of licorce, salt-water taffy, watermelon sticks, sugar daddies, sugar babies, Charleston Chews. STORYWOMAN: When Mia woke up, it was Spring. The glue that had bound her together, turned to sugar. (MIA begins music underscore: "MIA's BLUES.") STORYWOMAN: She licked herself clean, and went to find her heart, buried twenty feet underground. Then she rocked. Back and forth, back and forth. She rocked to a blues she made up herself. (MUSIC segues to:) MIA: MIA's LITTLE SONG (MIA walks downstage. She stares off into the audience, as if it's a mirror.) STORYWOMAN: In the mirror sometimes, Mia catches herself. MIA: My eyes CITY FOLK: Have changed. STORYWOMAN: Her eyes are often CITY FOLK: Out at sea STORYWOMAN: The eyes of someone who listens to a sound that comes from very far away, those are Mia's eyes. She stares ahead and listens. And sometimes she hears what she listens for, at odd times, in odd places. The market. Cabbage, califlower, turnips, eggplant... MIA: Eggplant... (CITY FOLK do music underscore: "BLUE'S LAST BLUES." MIA's eyes fill with tears.) STORYWOMAN: She reaches for an eggplant. Strokes the purple skin. Cool and dark as the deepest sea. The color stains her skin, stains her skin. Just as he did, with his indigo, with his blues. (MUSIC ENDS.) STORYWOMAN: Stained. MIA: Forever. STORYWOMAN: (whisper) Stained. (CITY FOLK come in with: "BLUE'S VERY LAST BLUES.") (Lights down slow on MIA. Her hands travel to just above her breasts. The spot closes on her hands. Darkness.)
