- Allen, Terry: A Self Interview
"My first radio was at night sometime during the late 40s in Lubbock Texas...and this terrible storm was raging outside and my parents and several neighbors were hovering around a big blond cabinet model Philco..."
- Apple, Jacki: New American Radio and Radio Art
The works created by the artists who participated in New Radio and Performing Arts' (NRPA) New American Radio series during the 1980s and 90s characterize a uniquely American sensibility, culture and landscape, and their diverse voices and visions represent a cross-section of our individual and collective histories and experiences.
- Davies, Sheila: Inhabiting The Air
"In the beginning there is always the story to tell and the words to write it. I try to make of any story a smooth precious thing, a globose of language, like a pomegranate to be split open and privately consumed..."
- Joyce, Don: Get Your Own Show!
"A quick run up and down the AM and FM spectrums of your radio dial reveals only relentless predictability, a little horizontal map of thoroughly familiar places you are expected to visit because they are familiar..."
- Morelock, William: Like a Potion...
"...Some kind of natural production process has since roped in that soggy pea harvest twenty years gone, girded its real time, conquered it, laughed at it; all that's left are the heightened moments of music and image and the unspoken narratives they drove..."
- Moss, David: Between Time & Terrain
"Radio was always "normal life" for an American boy growing up in the '50's & '60's. Unfortunately it was a stunted wasteland of pop repetition, with a limited repertoire and minute imagination."
- Moss, David: Risk and CultureA Manifesto
"...risk can be a creative tool for shaping Culture: One can both experience that formative "energy at the edges" (like a pre-TV tribal shaman), and then bring it back to neighbors and community; to talk, share and find new balances."
- Swearingen, Donald: Notes On Radio Work
"The notes contained herein represent a personal journal of the creation of my two radio works We Elect To and Salvation at 1am. They are arranged in no particular order other than the order in which they are arranged..."
- Thorington, Helen: The Noise of the Needle
"Noise as a metaphor. The sound of an old record; the articulation of another kind of recordone almost as old and widespread as mankind itself, the long-playing record of the devaluation of the female, preserved in the subtlerbut none-the-less effective reproductive technologies of today..."
- Whitehead, Gregory: Out of the Dark: Notes on the Nobodies of Radio Art
"For most of the wireless age, artists have found themselves vacated (or have vacated themselves) from radiophonic space -- the history of radio art is, in this most literal sense, largely a history of nobodies..."